Praying hands

Pray for Liberia

Genz in Liberia shall be saved

" if my people, who are called by my name,

will humble themselves and pray and seek my face

and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven,

and I will forgive their,

sin and will heal their land."

2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV):


Liberia, a nation with a vibrant cultural heritage and diverse landscapes situated on the West African coast, is currently grappling with a series of critical challenges that profoundly impact its citizens and call us to extend our sincere prayers.

  1. Economic Challenges:

    Liberia has been grappling with significant economic challenges over the past decade. The country's heavy reliance on the export of primary commodities, such as rubber and iron ore, has made its economy vulnerable to fluctuations in global commodity prices. This has hindered efforts to diversify the economy and create sustainable jobs for its citizens. High unemployment rates, particularly among the youth, have contributed to social unrest and political instability. Additionally, corruption and mismanagement of public funds have hampered economic growth and discouraged foreign investment. Despite some efforts to improve economic governance, these issues continue to impede Liberia's progress.

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  2. Weak Infrastructure and Services:

    Another critical problem Liberia has faced is its inadequate infrastructure and basic services. Decades of civil war and neglect have left the country with dilapidated roads, unreliable electricity supply, and limited access to clean water and sanitation facilities. This lack of infrastructure has not only hindered economic growth but also hindered the delivery of essential services such as healthcare and education. Many rural communities still lack access to proper healthcare facilities, leading to preventable diseases and high maternal and child mortality rates. Similarly, the education system suffers from underfunding, poorly trained teachers, and inadequate resources, limiting the potential for human capital development and further perpetuating the cycle of poverty.

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  3. Health System Challenges:

    Liberia's healthcare system has been grappling with various challenges, with the Ebola outbreak of 2014-2016 serving as a stark reminder of its vulnerabilities. Despite the international response that followed the epidemic, the country's healthcare infrastructure remains fragile. There is a shortage of healthcare professionals, particularly in rural areas, where access to medical services is limited. This has led to difficulties in addressing not only infectious diseases but also chronic conditions. The lack of proper facilities, medical equipment, and essential medicines further compounds the problem, leaving the population at risk and undermining efforts to improve overall health outcomes.

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  4. Governance and Corruption:

    Corruption and weak governance have been persistent problems in Liberia. Widespread corruption erodes public trust in institutions, diverts resources away from essential services, and hinders development efforts. Despite anti-corruption initiatives, progress in tackling this issue has been slow, and political interference in the judiciary and other key institutions remains a concern. These challenges undermine the rule of law and hinder the effective implementation of policies and programs aimed at addressing other critical issues facing the country.

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  5. Environmental Degradation and Natural Resource Management:

    Liberia's rich natural resources, including forests and minerals, have been both a potential source of economic development and a challenge in terms of environmental sustainability. Illegal logging, mining, and poor land-use practices have led to deforestation, soil degradation, and loss of biodiversity. These activities not only harm the environment but also disrupt the livelihoods of local communities that depend on these resources. Strengthening sustainable natural resource management practices and enforcing regulations have proven difficult, contributing to ongoing environmental challenges.

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How to Pray for Liberia

Prayer Points for Liberia:

  1. Economic Challenges:

    God of Provision,

    We come before you with hearts burdened for Liberia, a nation facing economic challenges and unemployment. Just as You are the source of all resources, we pray for economic diversification and sustainable job creation. Guide leaders and stakeholders to make wise decisions that promote growth and attract investments. Provide opportunities for the people of Liberia to flourish and thrive, breaking the cycle of poverty and instability. (Psalm 65:11; Proverbs 13:11)

    • Psalm 65:11: "You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance."
    • Proverbs 13:11: "Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow."
  2. Weak Infrastructure and Services:

    Provider of Blessings,

    We lift up Liberia's challenges in infrastructure and basic services. Just as You provide for our needs, we pray for improved access to clean water, reliable electricity, and quality roads. Bless efforts to enhance healthcare and education, especially in remote areas. May Liberia's infrastructure support the well-being of its citizens and create opportunities for growth and development. (Psalm 68:6; Isaiah 35:6)

    • Psalm 68:6: "God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land."
    • Isaiah 35:6: "Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert."
  3. Health System Challenges:

    Divine Healer,

    We seek Your intervention in Liberia's healthcare system challenges. Just as You provide healing, we pray for accessible and quality healthcare for all citizens. Bless efforts to strengthen medical facilities, train healthcare professionals, and provide essential medicines. May Liberia's health system be revitalized to ensure the well-being of its people and promote a healthier future. (Psalm 103:2-3; Jeremiah 30:17)

    • Psalm 103:2-3: "Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases."
    • Jeremiah 30:17: "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord."
  4. Governance and Corruption:

    Source of Justice,

    We bring before You Liberia's challenge of governance and corruption. Just as You are a just and righteous God, we pray for transparency, accountability, and an end to corruption. Empower leaders to promote justice and integrity at all levels of society. May Liberia's commitment to righteousness lead to a society where fairness prevails and corruption is eradicated. (Isaiah 30:18; Proverbs 29:4)

    • Isaiah 30:18: "Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!"
    • Proverbs 29:4: "By justice a king gives a country stability, but those who are greedy for bribes tear it down."
  5. Environmental Degradation and Natural Resource Management:

    Sovereign Creator,

    We lift up Liberia's challenge of environmental degradation and resource management. Just as You are the Creator of all things, we pray for responsible stewardship of natural resources. Bless initiatives that preserve the environment, promote sustainable practices, and ensure access to essential resources. May Liberia's commitment to responsible management reflect Your desire for a balanced and flourishing nation. (Genesis 1:31; Psalm 104:24-30)

    • Genesis 1:31: "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good."
    • Psalm 104:24-30: "How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures."

Prayer Guidance for Liberia

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before you with hearts heavy for the nation of Liberia, a land that has faced significant challenges over the past decade. We lift up the economic struggles that have burdened this nation, a reliance on commodities that has left its economy vulnerable to global fluctuations. We pray for diversification and sustainable job creation, that the people of Liberia may experience economic stability and growth. Guide the leaders to make wise decisions that promote responsible economic practices and attract foreign investments for the betterment of the nation.

Lord, we intercede for Liberia's weak infrastructure and essential services. As many lack access to clean water, reliable electricity, and proper roads, we ask for your provision and guidance. Strengthen the hands of those working to improve healthcare and education, especially in rural areas. May medical facilities be established, teachers be equipped, and resources be made available so that all citizens have the opportunity to lead healthy and educated lives.

Compassionate Father, we bring before you the challenges within Liberia's healthcare system. Heal the deficiencies in medical care, especially in rural communities. Provide an abundance of healthcare professionals, medical facilities, and essential medicines to ensure that preventable diseases are treated and lives are saved. May Liberia's healthcare system be strengthened, resilient, and capable of addressing the health needs of its people.

Lord of Justice, we lift up the issues of governance and corruption that have hindered Liberia's progress. We pray for leaders who are committed to upholding the rule of law, transparency, and accountability. Root out corruption from its core, so that resources are directed toward essential services and development initiatives. Grant wisdom and courage to those striving to create an environment of good governance, where justice prevails and the rights of every citizen are respected.

Creator of the Earth, we beseech you to guide Liberia in its efforts to manage its natural resources sustainably. Protect the environment from further degradation caused by illegal logging, mining, and irresponsible land-use practices. May the people of Liberia become stewards of their land, valuing its resources and preserving its beauty for generations to come.

Dear God, we entrust Liberia into your hands, asking for your divine intervention in these critical matters. May your light shine upon this nation, bringing about positive change, healing, and restoration. We believe that with your guidance, Liberia can overcome these challenges and flourish. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Praying hands


Praying with the Bible for our nation is a profoundly transformative practice that connects us to the divine, immerses us in timeless wisdom, and invokes the power of God's word. It stirs deep emotions, fostering unity, love, and hope amidst challenges. Through this sacred act, we surrender, seek guidance, and invoke divine intervention to heal, reconcile, and ignite a movement of love and justice, shaping a future where peace, righteousness, and compassion prevail for our beloved nation.

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